Friday, 23 March 2012


the internet has been down in our flat all week. a few months ago i might have just gone back to Romford and put up with my awful family just to have fast broadband, but i don't really care now. it means that every night i sit in the kitchen with my housemates talking. until the French guy came and interrupted i was having a pretty nice chat with the Polish girl. he's fucking weird. like he'll keep on about a really pedantic point for ages after anyone cares, and he's one of those people who is really into weed. like, not smoking it, because everyone likes smoking it, but he wants to talk at length about different strains and growing methods and i can't think of a more tedious subject except maybe motorbikes.

it's weird with the Polish girl. i'm quite friendly with her now, and she laughs a lot when we talk, but i'm not good at moving from "friendly" to "flirty", really. i don't have the experience. a friend of mine keeps telling me about that awful "pick-up artist" stuff. he means well, but i've told him a hundred times i'm not interested and i think those guys are twats. i don't like to offend people, but really: those guys are all fucking losers.

uh... my girl Spanish housemate sat with us after the Polish girl went to bed, and smoked a bit, and her "friend" came over at about 10.30pm, but because i'm an idiot i didn't think that if a guy comes over that late, he's probably coming over for sex, so i just sat there and talked to him in English for about 2 hours while she sulked in the corner, lol! he was an awesome guy. pretty far out of her league, i would have thought. i know a couple of people like him, and they're typically the most interesting people i've ever met: Europeans who are fluent in English. he works freelance with puppets, facilitating shows in theatres around London and working with people with learning disabilities. how cool is that?

i'm supposed to be going drinking tonight with the French couple and maybe the Polish girl. the French guy's girlfriend is fucking fiiiiit. she's French but her heritage is African. mixed race French girls are sexy as hell. she is way too good for him, and i am relentlessly hitting on her. see you later, m8.

1 comment:

  1. Whenever there's a girl that's obviously into my way of thinking and loves my sense of humor and is obviously mirin', I just like to throw it in her face in a very confident way, "... Haha, you want to fuck, don't you? It's really obvious"
    You just can't wait too long. The key to the attraction is her thinking you're a puzzle to be solved--like she's puting together a theoretical jigsaw of a beautiful scenary... as soon as she thinks she's finished and she's got a good look at the finished product, she loses interest and that line won't work any more(welcome to the friend zone).
